Unfortunately the same sentiment is felt by many local photographers, models, makeup artists, and fashion designers. They believe in order to be successful, they must leave their home, pick themselves up and join a more competitive market. While the Dallas fashion scene is a lot kinder and more supportive to its' fellow creatives than any other city in the United States, it seems many have given up hope of finding fashionable careers here. Which is unfortunate, because I believe we have some of the most talented and creative people right here in our city.
I could tell you the reason I started Visual Advantages was because I am a great photo shoot producer and stylist, or that I love fashion, but that wouldn't entirely be the truth. The biggest reason I started this company was because I see such amazing creativity in this city. There are probably over 100 photographers, models, stylists, and makeup artists on my Face Book page. While I may not know each of you personally, I have seen your work as it has graced my news feed every day. I am in awe by a lot of this talent. Over time, I have learned how each of you shoots, your own personal style, and how each of you is willing to pitch in to help one another. You are impressive, to say the least.
No, I may not know how to light a shoot, or style a model's hair, and I cannot be a model, but one thing I do know how to do is bring all of you together to get the right end result for a client. I sometimes will even bring you together based more on your personalities than your skills, though I will never admit it.
Visual Advantages' goal is to create one place where clients can go, and be rest assured that they are getting the right talent for their high-end photography needs. I did not create an agency because I did not see the need. I can pull any of you at any time if I know your work will fit what a client needs.
My long term goal, on the other hand, is a little more lofty. My long term goal is to help put Dallas on the map as a "go to" destination for high-end fashion photography in the United States.
Yes, that may seem like an impossible dream, but I do not plan to do it overnight, and I do not think it will be easy . I am not about to launch some expensive campaign, or gather people together for any kind of rally or benefit. That would be pointless, and a waste of time. My plan is much more quiet. I simply plan on working hard, and doing a great job for each and every client, and hoping word will spread. The work will speak for itself. Your work will speak for itself!
Kudos to all the great talent in Dallas! Your work deserves respect and praise!
Lots of love,
-Visual Advantages, Sallie LeBlanc